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Tour of Connemara

Rita Faulkner • 27 May 2019

Saturday 25th May . WRW on Tour

They went and they conquered
A group of approx 30 club members headed across the country to take on the first sportive of the Skoda challenge, The Tour Of Connemara.
Majority of these took on the 140km route while some other Joined Fergus Grimes on the 80km route. Both of which were equally challenging .
The day was overcast but the rain stayed away . There was fantastic views to take in  along the way , there was even a few sheep that joined in on the fun .
Everyone made it through safe and sound , except maybe a few sore backsides haha.
The routes were well marshalled and the food stops were just what a hungry cyclist needed .All reports were positive and everyone who took part seemed to have really enjoyed it . After a well needed hot shower it was time for the group to go out on the town and celebrate their achievements .

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by Rita Faulkner 24 June 2019
To mark Bike week , LSP treated us to a coffee stop spin to Cabra Castle. Approx 70 of our club members took to the road on sunday for their normal sunday spin but with one thing on their minds.... The coffee and scones stop. As normal each group had a different distance to do but all stopping in Cabra. It was a nice morning , no sunshine but better still no rain. We did have a bit of head wind on the way home but nothing that was going to break our spirit. Capra castle looked after us very well with tea, coffee and delicious scones with cream and jam , just what we needed to get us all back home. Two of our crazy members, our chairman Andy McAfee and his partner in crime Pete McKeown done the Solstice spin in aid if Sean Lynch at 4am on sunday morning before heading back to the village to do our club spin so both clocking up a very impressive 245km. Those lads are machines . Well done also to our C2100k group who clocked up a very impressive 90km .
by Greg Flynn 24 June 2019
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by Rita Faulkner 10 June 2019
There was rain on the cards and high winds but that didn't stop us from heading in numbers to Dundalk to take part in the Tour of Louth cycle sportive .......well sportive for some , race for others. There was 50 plus of our members took part and 13 of our C2100K group, some done the 50km route while the majority done the full 112km. Group picture done and it was time for the 112km group to hit the road and 10 minutes later the 50km group took off . Team work is our ethos and thats exactly what the day was about . It was nice early on in the event but the wind really picked up and meant that the second half was tough going especially for those doing the longer route . This event was the first taste of a sportive for our C2100k and we let them off to get the full experience . All reports back were very positive and they all enjoyed the experience . Everyone got back safe and sound and with a new bit of bling hanging round the necks it was time to head home .
by rita faulkner 27 May 2019
We are now on week 7 of our C2100k training and Sunday saw our cyclist take on 65km challenging route . We left Dunleer and headed over the Ardee link road then took the turn for Tallanstown. From here we headed on to Louth Village, Knockbridge then decended into Dundalk were we had a coffee stop in the apple green garage on the old Newry road. After much needed refuelling we all headed back towards Castlebellingham were we took the turn for Annagasson and back to Dunleer. There was 18 in the group and everyone worked well together. We had good smooth change overs and everyone is getting more and more confident on the bike with each spin they do. Next week sees them take on the 50km tour of Louth and for the majority of them this will be their first sportive.
22 May 2019
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